Re: Fixing the NCSA HTTPD 1.3

Paul 'Shag' Walmsley (
Wed, 15 Feb 1995 02:31:15 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 14 Feb 1995, Thomas Lopatic wrote:

> 2. have getline() read only 1000 characters instead of HUGE_STRING_LEN
>    (file http_request.c: getline(l,HUGE_STRING_LEN/4,in,timeout) instead
>     of getline(l,HUGE_STRING_LEN,in,timeout))

I don't see any obvious problems with it (then again, I'm no expert on 
NCSA's code) but I'm curious: is there any rationale behind the magic 
number 4 here, or is that an essentially arbitrary decision?

- Paul "Shag" Walmsley <>
  "I'll drink a toast to bold evolution any day!"